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Wise Woman Moon Energy Forecast in 2021

Writer's picture: Meghan LockhartMeghan Lockhart



You know when it’s dark at night and you can only see a few feet in front of you?

And as you walk one step at a time, slowly and with precision - there is a stillness that settles in your bones. The air so quiet, you can hear your breath. Your heart beats out of your chest. It’s just you and your thoughts....

Well this is what’s happening for the whole globe. We are in unknown terrain, taking the downward descent into the underworld, the shadow realm, the parts of self and the collective psyche that are hidden from view.

This is the underbelly of the crab, the depth of the ocean, the fog in the forest - the place your mind traverses when you sleep.

Wise Woman is at home here. She is grounded. She trusts. She knows.

She is guided by her heart's knowing. She can hear the voices of her ancestors. She knows how to listen to the land, to look for the signals, and to talk to spirits. Novelty is her game, and she plays it wisely.

Hail and Welcome Wise Woman...

You're dared this lunar cycle to let go, so simplicity can guide you. Her medicine is laughter and novelty. Wise Woman is that elder who doesn’t take anything too seriously and that inner crone that speaks in memes. Because each sentence is like a catchphrase: simple, priceless, precious.

Keep this in mind as you read the energy forecast for this lunar cycle below...



So here we stand, at this turn in the Wheel of the Year. it's the 10th lunar cycle of 2021 from October 6th to November 3rd.

After passing through the Initiator Moon, where you were asked to literally cut through distortion to access clarity - NOW, with Wise Woman, it's time to become unattached and let things be easy.

The whole cosmic joke is that as you got super clear about who you are and what you're here to bring forward for the collective, Wise Woman is here to laugh at it all.

Maybe this feels like an insult, maybe it feels funny, maybe it feels exasperating - regardless, Wise Woman wants you to see your life as the cosmic play, to remove the masks of your identified roles, and get to the heart of the matter: YOUR ESSENCE.

Her affirmation is: I simplify, I resonate. And it's from the spaciousness within that she has more capacity to hold light. Wise Woman is that beacon in the dark who can guide you forward.

SO LET'S TALK NEW MOON IN LIBRA, because that's the foundational energy for the mood of this lunar cycle.

The New Moon was exact at 5:06 am MT on October 6th. Both the Moon and Sun were conjunct to Mercury.

So how you relate to your body, emotions, and creative energy + how you shine in the world are connecting with how you communicate. It’s about aligning the message you share with the world, with the inner dialogue you tell yourself.

This invites you to bring more balance into how you advocate for you and your needs with how much you advocate for others. Both are needed. And in balance, when you speak up for what it is that you actually need - you create space for others to prioritize self care too.

And with the Sun making a conjunction to Mars in Libra, starting a new 2 year Mars cycle - this is important. These energies are direct, intense, and radiant. The Sun wants to shine and Mars wants to act. This is great for planting new seeds. May the fuel to take inspired actions over-flow-eth for many moons to come.

Because Mars isn’t comfortable in Libra, actions are a little bit slower this lunar cycle. So if your mind starts to spin out, thinking about what’s the most just, balanced, and equitable action to take - Wise Woman invites you to tune into your heart.

NOW... LET'S TALK FULL MOON IN ARIES, because this is the energetic peak of this creative cycle.

The Full Moon is exact at 8:56 am MT on October 20th. And ooomph. This IS POTENT. Don't be surprised if you feel the fire turning up in heat.

Mars and Aries are big players. Mars is the planetary ruler of Aries. Mars is about how you move in the world. And in the energy of Aries - it can be fiery, confrontational, passionate, bold, and totally on fucking fire.

I like to think of Aries as a comet. When you see someone in the world with a lot of Aries energy, they’re pretty spectacular. They have SO MUCH LIFE FORCE that it’s contagious, captivating even - just like a comet streaking through the night sky.

Aries demands your attention. And so does Mars. This moon amplifies the fire that’s being lit under your ass. And that’s a good thing, Mercury will be speeding up again. All those projects and tasks that were put on the back-burner, they’ll be coming to the forefront again.

Both the Moon and Mars square Pluto on this day too. So power dynamics are at play. How you relate to your personal power, the bullies in your life, the battles you’re challenged to fight, the inner conflicts that are boiling to the surface, the sexual pain - yep, these could be some themes.

Even with these confrontational notes, Mars and the Moon make beneficial aspects to Jupiter - the planet of plenty. So just maybe, you get enough fuel to finally burn through the patterns and limitations that keep you stuck in scarcity.

And maybe just maybe, you get some forward movement in blazing with the truth that you are the abundance, you are the gift, that who you are is simply more than enough.

October 31st is a special day: it’s SAMHAIN, the time of year when the veils are thinnest.

This happens in the last quarter moon of the lunar cycle AND in scorpio season. It's like a triple whammy of transformation.

Scorpio thrives as the death doula who midwives you to rebirth. So while we’re in the lunar cycle death phase on sacred Samhain, Wise Woman especially wants you to slow down. More than ever before.

It’s that stillness, that quiet, that helps you to connect with the supernatural. There’s something mystical and sacred about this time of year. It’s exhilarating. We get to finally look at the parts of self and life that are so taboo without shame. Death, spirits, ghosts, magic.

All in all - Wise Woman wants to help you SIMPLIFY.

When frustration boils to anger, when irritation turns into a hot flash - let the weird vibes roll, because what is out of the ordinary is novel. And novelty - well, it helps to break the pattern.

So whatever rut you find yourself in and however your brain is wired to react to internal heat and conflict, ask yourself what would Wise Woman do?

Because she will mix things up until they’re upside down, topsy turvy, inside out, and totally backwards. She is the master of shaking things up through spontaneity, humour, and simple wisdom. So anytime things feel heavy, you feel stuck, or motivation wanes, TRY THIS:

- WISE WOMAN TIP #1: Drop the analytic mind for a few moments, take some deep breaths, place your hand on your heart and listen. There is a knowing that will guide you forward. It’s simple. It’s practical. And it’s quiet. So you’ll have to still your thoughts enough to listen.

- WISE WOMAN TIP #2: Cackle. Let that inner witch call out. It's fun. It's playful. It's medicine. I bet anything that felt heavy before feels lighter now.

May this serve you and all.

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I invite you to come deeper with us. When you step into Goddess Collective, there is a sisterhood ready to amplify you in your priestessing.

We'll be going deeper with WISE WOMAN and the other 12 faces of Goddess to support you gain momentum in your sacred biz, plus each week, you'll get Lunar Casts, basically your mood reading for the vibes of the week.

Goddess Collective can help you bring your purpose work to the world in a way that is in highest alignment with your purpose, is impactful for the collective, AND meets the needs of your community.

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** Note - these archetypes came through Ariel Spilsbury as transmission and form the foundation of the 13 Moon Mystery School that she has founded. You can learn more about her work here.

Meghan supports women rise as profitable priestesses through Divine Feminine embodiment + womb healing. She stewards Wild Moon Sisters as a free temple + hosts the Goddess Power Podcast. She is committed to helping women bring their soul's sacred work into the world to impact planetary change. You can learn more here.

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