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Primal Goddess Moon Energy Forecast in 2021

Writer's picture: Meghan LockhartMeghan Lockhart

Primal Goddess


On 8/8, the peak of the Lion's Gate Portal - I opened myself up to the spiritual guidance of the star Sirius. I felt starlight stream down through my crown, down through the column of my body, and then I felt it fill up my whole body...

I then began to see my body as the Cosmos - the inky black/purple/blue swirl of space as my skin, bones, muscles... And I saw each cell of my body as a star - lit up with iridescent light.

With every fibre of my being I KNEW... I was being activated with codes of spiritual awakening to guide me into deeper alignment with my path.

Later that day, when I tuned into Sirius again, I heard this message, 'you are but one cell in the body of Gaia.' And my vision opened up to seeing the planetary body of Gaia and then opened up to seeing the entire Cosmos. I began to see and feel my whole body as one vibrant star.

And I heard this message: 'your only focus right now is to shine as bright as you can.'

Right after, I felt a being place a cloak over my head from behind me, as if attempting to hide my light. I then felt my heart explode in orange/yellow/red hues of light, just like a supernova.

I could feel how in that moment, there was no fucking way I was going to allow myself to be cloaked, hidden or dimmed anymore. It was the 'Sacred No' that opened me up to the 'Holy Yes.'

In an explosion of light, my body was saying 'Fuck yes to being seen! Hell yes to shining bright! Mmmmmmm this feels so juicy....' And the more I felt the pleasure of shining, the brighter the light shone and the more it expanded in reach.

In this moment, Primal Goddess awakened within me as that volcanic, earthquake of cataclysmic enormity that is raw and primal power exploded.

We all have access to this type of primal power within us. And so do you. It shows up in your passion, in how you feel pleasure, in how you feel alive, and how you liberate yourself from any shackles of oppression.

Hail and welcome Primal Goddess...

You're invited to let your body be your guide of most enlivening pleasure, to catalyze each cell of your body awake, and to shake off the cages of limitation that keep you stuck.

Keep this in mind as you read the energy forecast for this lunar cycle below...


So here we stand, at this turn in the Wheel of the Year in the 8th lunar cycle of 2021.

After passing through the Goddess of Love Moon, where you were asked to be in your embodied presence & magnetism - NOW, with Primal Goddess - you're invited to charge your own vessel up with heat, with passion, with fire to burn through limitations and activate full-bodied TRUST in your raw power and primal instincts.

Primal Goddess dares you to the edge... to the edge of comfort... to the edge of what was... to the death of past versions of you, your life, and your work. And she boldly beckons you to step through the threshold, through the passage, to your full-bodied becoming where you CLAIM YOUR FULLNESS.

The Lion's Gate Leo New Moon on August 8th... damn, the regal vibes were for real that day. Could you feel it? If you were feeling emotional, were getting headaches, feeling dehydrated, feeling moody, feeling fatigued, or feeling like you were getting energy surges through your body.... that's all super normal. It was happening to me, for sure. Just imagine your whole body going through a spiritual upgrade and how much energy that takes...

A little backstory. The Lion's Gate Portal is a once a year astrological moment when Earth, the Sun and the fixed Star Sirius align. Sirius is known as our second sun and the spiritual sun of Earth. So this astrological moment, happening on the New Moon - a time of beginnings, and in the regal sign of Leo, it's a deeper mark of abundance and spiritual leadership/mastery.

The peak of this Lion's Gate Portal happens on August 8th, or 8/8. In numerology - 8 is the number of empowerment and embodiment. Lion is the emblem of the sign Leo, and so, one of the invitations is to courageously crown yourself with the bestowal of spiritual wisdom and insight that exists within only you.

This moment invites you to activate the wisdom map within your DNA, your bones, and in your soul that can intelligently guide you to the fulfillment of your deepest becoming. While this all happens in the Primal Goddess Moon, you're asked to TRUST the way your body and instincts guide you to awaken this wisdom map.

Your spirit guides + your blood, archetypal and ancestral lineages - they are all here for you now, in this moment and always, just one ask away from supporting you on your path. Both your seen and unseen allies, they want to be here FOR YOU. Look for the messages. Look for the signs.

What animals, symbols, messages, words, and themes keep showing up for you?

All of these signs show up to tell you a story to guide you forward. You get one wolf track at a time that guides you on the trail of your destiny.

On August 22nd - the moon reaches peak fullness in the sign of Aquarius. This is the second Aquarius Full Moon in a row. So... this is a double whammy amplification of where Aquarius resides in your birth chart! The Sun moves from Leo to Virgo on this day as well.

While the mood is focused on the collective, can you take that boldness Leo invited you to claim and create intelligent systems and structures that you can apply to your creations, projects, and/or sacred biz?

I want to highlight the Virgo energy in this lunar cycle. On the 22nd - Mars, Mercury, and the Sun are all in Virgo, and Venus is in Virgo from the 8th-15th of this Primal Goddess Moon.

So witches, it’s #VirgoSeason! Get out your brooms and dust away all the cobwebs that are wreaking havoc on the natural order of things, because Virgo is genius at concocting the potions that can help you come into right relationship with your resources, with Earth, and what you have to work with to keep you feeling safe, secure, and thriving.

And as this precise, perfected, and detail-oriented energy is heightened, it both creates tension with and beautifully overlays with this energy of expansion and freedom that Primal Goddess activates within you.

Because the more that you become aware of what's available to work with and create systems of success - the easier it is to go through that birth, death, rebirth process again and again to let go of what doesn't serve and invite in what does.

So, how can paying attention to details liberate you?
How can knowing the natural order of things set you free?

One last thing I want to highlight this lunar cycle is Uranus. I'm feeling that Uranus is sorta the MVP (most valuable planet) this lunar cycle from an archetypal perspective. It’s the one I have my eye on. It’s the wild card - just like Primal Goddess. So what Uranus is doing is important for the ways to help you liberate constricting patterns. (I go into more detail about the aspects Uranus makes in my weekly Lunar Casts in Goddess Collective).

Primal Goddess wants you to be in your passion, to focus less on pleasing others and more on pleasing yourself.

All in all - she wants to help you find the ways to satisfy your needs, your body, and your instincts. When you operate from a place of meeting the needs and wisdom of yourself first - it becomes a much more organic process to serve others.

So anywhere that you've been feeling the pressure to people please and have been keeping yourself and even your work in a neat little box at the expense of your aliveness, try this -

- PRIMAL GODDESS TIP #1: start shaking your body, let the shake rumble through your entire body like a rattle to move stuck energy. It all starts from within. If you're feeling stuck anywhere in your life or in your work - let the energy be liberated from inside of you and witness the ripples in your life.

- PRIMAL GODDESS TIP #2: Get in touch with your inner animal. We all have animal spirits who's energy is palpable and potent within us. So get in touch with that. Let this inner animal become an ally to help you access your primal wisdom. The more that you let your primal wisdom guide you, the more you embody your fullness. And the more you embody your authentic expression, the more in line with your purpose you truly are.

May this serve you and all.

You're invited to spread the love! Let's impact more change together. If you're loving this post - like it, comment on it, and better yet - share it.

I invite you to come deeper with us. When you step into Goddess Collective, there is a sisterhood ready to amplify you in your purpose work.

We'll be going deeper with PRIMAL GODDESS and the other 12 faces of Goddess to support you gain momentum in your sacred biz, plus each week, you'll get Lunar Casts, basically your mood reading for the vibes of the week.

Goddess Collective can help you bring your priestessing work to the world in a way that is in highest alignment with your purpose, is impactful for the collective, AND meets the needs of your community.

Want to learn more + see if this sisterhood is aligned for you? Click the image below.

Goddess Collective

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** Note - these archetypes came through Ariel Spilsbury as transmission and form the foundation of the 13 Moon Mystery School that she has founded. You can learn more about her work here.

Meghan supports women rise as profitable priestesses through Divine Feminine embodiment + womb healing. She stewards Wild Moon Sisters as a free temple + hosts the Goddess Power Podcast. She is committed to helping women bring their soul's sacred work into the world to impact planetary change. You can learn more here.

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