With child-like awe, you turn your gaze to the sky. 'Whaaooo... magenta dolphins are jumping through a sea of clouds IN THE SKY!'
Something moves within you like a bubbling up of champagne in your heart that then flutters as hundreds of teal butterflies fly up and out... up and out... up and out...
And they take you UP, UP, UP and away....
A roar of laughter can't help but liberate! You slap your hands on your thighs, you pound your chest, you stomp your feet. You are twirling, twirling, twirling until you are a tornado made of rainbows!
Your angel wings unfurl, and you begin to fly. YES! You ARE flying! You are taken up to the sea. The sky is below. All is topsy turvy. Every time you laugh you see daffodils taking shape.
Do you DARE to imagine? What COULD be possible?
Because well, now... your legs have turned into a mermaid tail! And you're swimming in the sea of clouds! You begin to sing. Your song is sweet as nectar that calls in everything you've ever wanted!!!! Because here, here, now, now - all things are POSSIBLE.
Hail and welcome MUSE!
You are invited to pick up your magical wand, align it with your heart's prayer, and wield it. What do you wish to bring forward into your life?
So here we stand, at this turn in the Wheel of the Year in the 6th lunar cycle of 2021.
After passing through the Lady of Communion Moon, where you were asked to seal up power leaks by claiming your throne of sovereignty to help you grow the life, business, and world that is harmonious for all beings and all life -
NOW with the MUSE - you're invited to laugh and play! It's time to throw the schedules that bind you too tight out the window, put on your witchy hat, point that wand, and CREATE!
I bet you've been feeling the tension. That flirtation of wanting to burn all of the things, tear up all of the shit, and point those middle fingers up, saying "I don't give any fucks!"
Coupled with that sense of responsibility. 'Ok yes - my actions do matter. There are people all over the world to take into account. And this discomfort that I feel, it's peanuts compared to the underbelly of all of the shadows that are being unveiled.'
We continue to experience the second of three Saturn/Uranus squares of the year during this moon. Its influence is strongest on June 14th, just days after the New Moon in Gemini + a total SOLAR ECLIPSE on June 10th, and Mars moving into the fire sign Leo on the 11th.
So how can you infuse this rebel opposing tradition kinda energy with the MUSE?
YOU PLAY WITH IT. Lovingly poke fun at it. And rescript the stories that heat up in your mind by letting the voices be characters. However you want to play is up to you, but with the Moon + Mars in Leo - it might be fun to bring in some dramatic flair.
A new season begins with the solstice on June 20th - Summer in the Northern Hemisphere being held by Winter in the Southern Hemisphere and there are some fun dynamics that may bring out the waterworks.
The Moon is in the watery sign of Scorpio that is deep, penetrative, and LONGS for truth, the Sun moves into watery Cancer - emotional, loving, and nurturing + the planet of abundance, Jupiter, begins retrograding on the 21st in the watery sign of Pisces - known for wisdom and psychic insights.
AND THEN Mercury, the muse of the planets, ends it's retrograde on the 22nd.
So the Divine channel lines of communication are a LOT easier to connect with and the intuitive senses are heightened with all of the watery influence.
This is the time to let your antennae align and ask your questions of what clarity you need to guide you and channel through you to inspire your creative works. Your invitation is to allow any guidance you may be seeking to come into fullness on June 23rd with the Full Moon in the earth sign, Capricorn.
Radical change is in the air. Systems are being dismantled, storylines replotted, traditions uprooted, and distortions coming to the light.
Capricorn likes to keep things the same and build structures and systems to keep things feeling solid. But change is inevitable. Change is the only thing we can count in. The Full Moon may reflect to you the places that you crave structural support. And when life uproots you - how can you stay resilient?
Muse is innocence, the Divine child, the one who's play is so novel that it INSPIRES others to change. And this frequency LIVES INSIDE OF YOU.
No matter how far away from you it may feel at times, you always have the choice to connect with it. THE TIME IS NOW to turn up the dial on joy, novelty, creativity and inspiration.
Are you ready to join your fellow muses to make merry for all of Earth?
Well then... let's play. MUSE wants you to shake things up and focus more on QUALITY & less on quantity - more on POSSIBILITY and less on limitation.
Here are some joy incubators to shift out of limitation, stuckness, and boring behaviors:
Put on a costume!
Sing everything like in a musical!
Wear different colored socks!
Pretend you're a mythical creature!
AND spread the love! Let's make more merry together. If you're loving this post - like it, comment on it, and better yet - share it.
I invite you to come deeper with us. When you step into Goddess Collective, there is a sisterhood ready to amplify you in your purpose work.
We'll be going deeper with the Muse and the other 12 faces of Goddess to support you gain momentum in your sacred biz, plus each week, you'll get Archetypal Energy Forecasts.
Goddess Collective can help you bring your priestessing work to the world in a way that is in highest alignment with your purpose, is impactful for the collective, AND meets the needs of your community.
Want to learn more + see if this sisterhood is aligned for you? Click the image below.
** Note - these archetypes came through Ariel Spilsbury as transmission and form the foundation of the 13 Moon Mystery School that she has founded. You can learn more about her work here.
#DivineFeminineArchetypes #LunarWombCycle #SeasonalShifts #Goddess #Priestess #FullMoon #EnergyForecast #Astrology #Muse #Priestessing #SacredBiz #NewMoon #PurposeWork #OnPurpose #Eclipse #MercuryRetrograde #SummerSolstice #Capricorn
Meghan supports women rise as profitable priestesses through Divine Feminine embodiment + womb healing. She stewards Wild Moon Sisters as a free temple + hosts the Goddess Power Podcast. She is committed to helping women bring their soul's sacred work into the world to impact planetary change. You can learn more here.