I have been struck by the grace of Mary Magdalen in my life. She has come to me as a guide and companion. There has been much literature written on her, and she is perhaps one of the most widely misunderstood historical figures because of the obfuscation of her role.
These are the things that I know to be true about her from my own experience with her and studies about her. Mary Magdalen was a Priestess of Isis and the beloved of Jesus Christ, Yeshua. She was an ascended master and was a strong pillar of Love. She is a spiritual guide, a face of the Goddess, who can be called upon for guidance.
She has shown up in my life with force, grace and love. She asks much of me with a gentle touch of strength. She is fierce grace. She is ease in the effort. She is the rose. She is the unfurling of Self multiplied.
I call her the Magdalen when I speak of her as a spiritual guide to honour the codes and teachings that she holds within her unique frequency as a face of the Goddess. She is the beloved daughter of the Divine Creatrix of life. And as such, she is the Creatrix herself. She is part of the trinity, the sacred third to unite Divine Feminine, with Sacred Masculine in Love. The Magdalen holds the frequency of wisdom and truth.
Magdalen is reaching out to the hearts of women to wake them up to their divinity. She wants you to remember how powerful you are, so that you can be a voice for equality, balance and harmony, a voice for the restoration of Earth, a voice for the Divine Feminine. She wants you to claim your power. She wants you to walk as Sovereign Queen of your life, to walk as a Goddess on Earth.
She often speaks to us through the Rose. She leaves us a trail of petals to unite us in sisterhood together, so that we may realize our strength in unity and Love.
Here are 10 reasons that I love to work with her as a guide:
1.) She is constant
She is always there. No matter what I need, and when I need it, she is there. She whispers words of guidance. She tells me the hard truths with love and kindness.
2.) She holds me in integrity
She is always asking me to be a voice for others. She constantly nudges me to step out of my comfort zone, so that I can give voice to subjects that will be of service to others. She asks me to speak and empower those who are more vulnerable than me, those that need extra support. She particularly asks me to speak on the themes of equality, social justice, and freedom.
3.) She requests self-mastery
She does not let me get away with the self-limiting stories that I have been telling myself for my lifetime. When I start to tell myself stories that I am unworthy, not enough, incapable, small, fearful of being seen heard and fearful of not being supported, she calls me to the meditation cushion. When I feel jealous of my sisters and find myself comparing myself to the success of others, she calls me to my meditation pillow. She always says, "transmute the story through love." When I follow her cues, I truly do feel myself releasing those stories and feelings that are based in fear. She is no longer allowing me to be lazy with my thoughts, for she tells me that they are helping to co-create the reality that we collectively live on Earth.
4.) She draws me to sisterhood
She has helped me to heal the sisterhood wound that I have felt since youth. I was bullied by other girls in middle school and still have memories of how these girls glared at me and demeaned me. I did not realize how much of an impact those memories had on my current perception of women. Magdalen helped me to realize that I was angry with women because of this, so I judged them, was critical of them and compared myself to them. Because of this pain, I sought friendship with males and repressed my femininity. I was focused on strength, hard work, competition, determination and integrity. I was at war with myself for several years, since I was not allowing my extremely sensitive, intuitive and receptive energy to be admired and seen. She has helped me to come into acceptance of the truth of who I am, the acceptance of the gifts of my Divine Feminine aspect, so that I can truly love my sisters again.
5.) She holds me in the frequency of Love
She infuses Love into my life in all ways: through meditation, through my thoughts and through the portal of my heart. She helps me to notice when my thoughts are not based in Love. She sends me the frequency when I am in pain and fear. She is using my vessel as a pillar to anchor in the frequency of Love on Earth to help elevate human consciousness to that of a restorer species that is in harmony and balance with one another and Earth.
6.) She helps me to hear Truth
In mediation, she holds a vortex around me that allows me to go into deeper stillness and silence. From this deep well, it is easier for me to download messages. I can hear her guidance more clearly than any other guides. She holds me in the portal of my heart and has experientially shown me that the heart of unconditional love is the sacred union between yin and yang.
7.) She teaches me how to embrace my sacred sexuality
Since Mary Magdalen was a Priestess of the Sex Magic of Isis, she has paved the way for many women to embrace their sexuality as a vehicle to experience the Divine. She teaches us that sexual union is not shameful or sinful, but rather an act that unites us with Truth and Divinity. I have worked with her to release pain in my second chakra, where I have held sexual trauma and shame. I simply call on her for guidance and she presents the tools for me.
8.) She shows me the way of sacred relationship
She shows me that to be in sacred relationship is to be in integrity and truth in every moment of relationship. She has shown me that my beloved is my clearest mirror into myself.
9.) She shows me my codes of remembrance
She has brought me into remembrance that I am and have been a Priestess. In this lifetime, she shows me the path and helps connect me with my lineage through past life remembrances as a healer and Priestess. She has shown me that I am part of the Sisterhood of the Rose and that I was a Priestess of Isis under the teachings of Magdalen in ancient Avalon.
10.) I just straight up love her
If you are reading this post, it is highly likely that Magdalen is calling out to you to work with her, or that you already are working with her. Of course, your experience working with her will be unique and yours.
She is beckoning you closer to her and asking you if you would like to go deeper. She has asked to be a guide for a FREE 5 Day Transformative Journey that I am offering.
Embody Your Power As Wombyn
The essence of this free gift series is to know the truth about power and where it comes from. The hope is that you experience your own sovereignty, so that you know that you can co-create your dream life and have a positive impact on humanity. So that you can feel confident to express your truest self.
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